Bay Rum



Product Details

In Search Of Bay Rum.

You have no idea how complicated this was.

Actually, some of you might. I’ll get to that in a moment.

Originally, we sold Bay Rum produced in the Dominica by A.C. Shillingford. They’d been doing it since 1907 and did it very well. But all good things must come to an end and this was no exception. When they closed shop we searched high and low for a new source. Some of you may remember ordering the item only to have it never materialize. We made sure to make amends for that via refunds and discounts.

In the spirit of perseverance (and wanting good things to continue) we decided to have the highly sought after formula reproduced by our magicians so that you too could experience the scent described as less strong than anything called perfume or aftershave but not so quiet as to be boring. In fact, it is quite sexy. Men have liked Bay Rum since Spanish Main days. They like it for the least complicated reason in the world. It smells good. Made in USA.

We are unable to ship liquids internationally.