Raw Metal Necklace



Product Details

Not Even on Rodeo Dr. This piece says you could have
spent a few seasons in the mountains learning to cut,
bend, and shape raw brass, steel, and copper. During
reprieves, you walked quietly along the mountainside,
awash in the gold and violet fields of pasque flowers.
The result of your masterwork is a raw allure you can’t
find on the “Rodeo Drives” of the world. And that is
exactly the point.


Raw Metal Necklace (No. 5913). Conversations will
ensue over this artisanal (an overused word nowadays
but very apt here) piece. Handmade pendant necklace
with raw copper, brass, and steel. Adjustable chain link
closure. Black, violet, and pink beads. Lays high on the
chest. Made in USA.